Acclaimed singer/songwriter, Bloom, releases her new single ‘Elevate’ which culminates her four-part concept compilation she began in September 2021, that depicts a story of the betrayal by a significant other, a broken down relationship, and the emotional fragmentation that comes with it. Staff writer Ava Cooper chats with Bloom

‘Love Is A Lie’ (released September 2021) began the series, which delves in to that raw emotion that you experience when you discover the betrayal of a partner. It then moves to ‘One More Place’ (released November 2021) which ventures on the
other side of the hurt, and into the phase of recognising connections to your ex wherever you go, finding constant reminders that resurfaces your raw emotions.
The third piece to the puzzle is the empowering ‘Choices’, released May 6 2022, a song about the importance of self-worth and making choices devoid of fear or other's expectations. And then there’s ‘Elevate’, released Friday October 7 2022, that culminates the story by bringing you back to neutral – the ability to lead with
love again, whether it be finding the courage to fall in love again, or making the time for things you simply love in your life.
Adding to the four tracks are three bonus: a live version of ‘Choices’, ‘A Minute’ and a cover of the Finneas hit ‘Only A Lifetime’ – a track that keeps with the theme of the compilation that reminds listeners, life is short and to live your best life.
“I wanted to finish the story with a track that was something uplifting,” says Bloom of the Elevate track.
“Drawing on that uplifting gospel choir chorus sound, we wanted to evoke the feeling that makes you want to get up out of your seat and feel this overwhelming love and connection to the life force energy that’s inside us all,” adds co-writer Chelsea Oldmeadow.
“Just knowing we have that light gives us a sense of self-empowerment and the ability to overcome adversity”.
Bloom is highly applauded as one of Australia’s greatest power vocalists. Bloom is a seasoned touring prowess in her own right, with sold-out shows across the country and abroad in New Zealand, Bloom “crafts personable moments onstage that resonate with audiences” [Scenestr Magazine].
Bloom is also passionate about helping others. She is an ambassador for Shake It Up Australia – a foundation partnered with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to achieve aims of promoting and funding Parkinson’s disease research in Australia to slow, stop and cure the disease. She has raised over $23,000 for the foundation to date. Bloom has more recently, also become an ambassador for Emerge Australia, an organisation helping people living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
How has your experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affected your music career?
"It definitely makes things tricky during flare ups. I need to make sure I have enough rest and don’t burn myself out. Balance is key for me to keep on top of it. I am much better now than when I was diagnosed 20 years ago."
Why do you think it's important that people use their platforms to raise awareness like you do?
"I think everyone wants to be heard and seen & I think when you have the ability to reach lots of people it’s important to use those moments to give a voice to the people who really need our help."
Do you think heartbreak makes people stronger?
"I want to say yes, but I can only speak from my own personal experience and it has definitely made me stronger and helped me gain perspective & given me a better understanding about myself."
Does songwriting help you process deep emotions such as heartbreak?
"Absolutely it does. It is very therapeutic to put feelings down on paper and then feel those feelings every time you sing. It’s a whole new level when you sing your own lyrics, I feel very vulnerable sharing them but I know it helps others, so I’ll keep doing it for as long as I can"
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